Sunday 28 October 2012

Image Evaluation

This is a picture of the band 'The Jam'. The image of the band is widely known as the 'mod' look. This is the image that i will be going for in my magazine. You can see one of the members wearing a green/brown coat known as a 'parka', this coat resemble the mod look that they are going for and it demonstrates what sort of music they play and what their target audience is. The man in the middle has a leather jacket on, skinny trousers and is having a cigarette. This helps to enhance the 'mod' look they're going for because that's what 'mods' would wear and do at that time. You notice that all three of the members have skinny trousers on and longish haircuts, this is the sort of image/genre i will be using in my magazine.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Self Assessment of 'Practice Magazine Cover' Tasks

1. Have you justified your decisions on your blog?
I have not completed this, i have completed thr potential magazine covers that i was asked to do.

2. How could you make these blog entries better?
M: I could have used a more exciting font and colour for the cover lines and main cover lines. I also could have used less text, it looks quite cramped on the page and i will take this on board when i do my music magazine.
Film X: Again, i feel like i could have used less text on the page as it does look quite cramped. I have difficulty with the main cover line as i was contemplating where to put it and what font i should use. I think it does like quite un-professional and have received feedback from my peers and my teacher so this has helped me to see what i should have done. I do like the cover lines but i think the multi colouring in the text at the top also looks un-professional, this was an experiment that i was contemplating including in my own magazine but after receiving feedback i will probably opt against that device.
Freedom: I did find this hard because of the background. After analysing the magazine in more detail i see that the eye breaking through the barcode suggests the fact that we are always being watched. i have done it based only on Big Brother but i realize now that i could have based it on the troubles with cctv or surveilance issues. I found it hard with the colour of the main cover line but i do feel i chose the best colour. This task was useful because it helped me to see what challenges i am going to face when i complete my magazine.
Pitch: I was really dissappointed with my completion of this magazine cover. I found it very difficult doing this cover, i think i placed the main cover line in the wrong place, the font wasn't suitable and the colour wasn't very good either. This hgas helped me to realise what i don't want to include in my magazine, i really didn't like the colours of the template so i probably wan't include those sorts of colours in my magazine.

Practice Magazine Cover

The last two 'Practice Magazine Cover's i have found quite difficult. I have also been told that i have been packing too much text so i have tried to put less text in. I am still in the process of trying to find my magazine layout and style but these tasks that i have chose to do have defnitely helped me.

Practice Magazine Cover

I have added the the cover lines and main cover lines. I found this template difficult due to the back ground colour and i would probably not use this colour in my magazine. This task was useful because it has helped me to take on a more difficult task but also realize what i don't want to include in my magazine.

'AQUINAS ANUALLY' Magazine Contents Page

'AQUINAS ANUALLY' Magazine Cover

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Practice Magazine Cover

Again, i was given the template and i added the cover lines and the main cover line. Again, i did all the writing. This cover is from a film, howeve i edited it and gave my own twist to show that i can think of titles and cover lines for myself.

Practice magazine Cover

This is my practice for a magazine cover, i was given the template and i had to add the cover lines and main cover lines. I did all the writing on this.

Thursday 4 October 2012

NME Special Edition Analysis

I did some more research into the NME magazine and found this 50 year special. It shows a blank canvas with Liam Gallagher standing looking away from the camera. The fact that it's a special edition and the background is blank brings all the attention to Liam. It also ahows his attitude, that he likes to be centre of attention, this is enhanced by the fact he is holding a newspaper with his face on. I might use the blank background to bring the attention towards my cover star because it makes it look like the cover star is even bigger than the magazine.

Practice Front Cover

I've included cover lines, A main cover line and a pug. I've tried to link everything back to the two main colours of the magazine to make it look more consistant. The cover star is using a direct mode of adress looking directly at the camera, The masthead is familiar and the imperfection of the lettering for 'VIBES' give us the impression tat the magazine expresses a certain attitude and rebellious side. I have briefly analysed and made this into a magazine using my own cover lines, main cover lines and a pug. This is to show me attempting a magaazine cover at an early stage.

Advanced NME Analysis