Thursday 18 October 2012

Self Assessment of 'Practice Magazine Cover' Tasks

1. Have you justified your decisions on your blog?
I have not completed this, i have completed thr potential magazine covers that i was asked to do.

2. How could you make these blog entries better?
M: I could have used a more exciting font and colour for the cover lines and main cover lines. I also could have used less text, it looks quite cramped on the page and i will take this on board when i do my music magazine.
Film X: Again, i feel like i could have used less text on the page as it does look quite cramped. I have difficulty with the main cover line as i was contemplating where to put it and what font i should use. I think it does like quite un-professional and have received feedback from my peers and my teacher so this has helped me to see what i should have done. I do like the cover lines but i think the multi colouring in the text at the top also looks un-professional, this was an experiment that i was contemplating including in my own magazine but after receiving feedback i will probably opt against that device.
Freedom: I did find this hard because of the background. After analysing the magazine in more detail i see that the eye breaking through the barcode suggests the fact that we are always being watched. i have done it based only on Big Brother but i realize now that i could have based it on the troubles with cctv or surveilance issues. I found it hard with the colour of the main cover line but i do feel i chose the best colour. This task was useful because it helped me to see what challenges i am going to face when i complete my magazine.
Pitch: I was really dissappointed with my completion of this magazine cover. I found it very difficult doing this cover, i think i placed the main cover line in the wrong place, the font wasn't suitable and the colour wasn't very good either. This hgas helped me to realise what i don't want to include in my magazine, i really didn't like the colours of the template so i probably wan't include those sorts of colours in my magazine.

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