Thursday 10 January 2013

Magazine So Far

This is what i have for my magazine front cover so far. I have started with the basic conventions, the masthead, main cover line and barcode. It looks like the colours are mainly going to be black and white so there is a sense of attitude and a little bit of trouble. I have got the cover star using direct adress because it gives off a rebellious attitude, and i have also got the cover star wearing an oasis t shirt so it is aiming at people who like rock/mod/indie music. I will use white cover lines to bring a bit more colour into the the front cover.

This is what i have for my magazine double page spread so far. So far, i have made sure that the same grey/white/black colours run through the magazine to make it look professional and organised. The cover star is not looking directly at the camera to highlight the rebellious attitude he has and to give the impression that he is to cool to follow instruction. I will include black text on the white background to carry on the theme of black/white/grey colours.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Original Photography Practise

 These will not be used for my final magazine. I have practised photography for my magazine. Since looking at different venues, i have decided to take my pictures of a single person against a white wall so it is easier to fit cover lines on. As you can see at the bottom i did try a picture with two people on it, but i think it would be difficult to fit cover lines on there, although the picture does like good. The picture quality is okay but i am going to try and get a better camera for the magazine pictures.

In my pictures of me (the boy on his own in the pictures) i have gone for the liam gallagher stlyle front cover in the edition of nme to the right. The direct adress and scruffy hair gives a sort of rebellious and confidant attitude. It gives out a youthful and confident vibe and that is the vibe i am going for in my magazine.