Wednesday 26 September 2012

Oasis / The Enemy Image Evaluation

As you can see from these two images i really like the effect that the black and white colouring has on a bands appearance. I would like to use the device of black and white because i think it instantly makes a band look more cool. I think it somehow makes the band more appealing as it blocks the colour out and keeps everything simple, i think this is used to show that the colour and surroundings are not important, it's only the band and their music that are important, that's also why i think the surroundings are very dull and ordinary. And it also makes the bands look very cool. That's why i want to use this device. I like both of these images in seperate ways. I like the fact that Oasis have serious poses to represent that bad boy image they have. However, i also like the relaxed tone that The Enemy have. It shows them sitting down in a very ordinary room just laughing and smiling. This represents the unity of the band and the fact that they love making music and that's their passion. I'm going to try and combine these two images by either having my band people leaning up against the walls laughing showing very relaxed, happy and loveable characters, or i will have them sitting down against a wall with serious poses or straight faces not looking directly looking at the camera to demonstrate a rebellious and bad boy image.

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