Wednesday 26 September 2012

Questionaire Analysis

I created a questionaire and asked people how they would like the school magazine like. I asked 5 questions and got 5 people to answer them. Here's what they said.

What do you like about the school?
1. The people in it
2. The break and lunches
3. All my friends
4. Different subjects
5. Some of the teachers

What would you like to see in the magazine?
1. Arcticles on the pupils
2. Sport collumns
3. Pupil interviews
4. School uniforms
5. Teacher collumns

Should there be an arcticle from the headteacher?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

Should it be aimed at students or parents?
1. Students
2. Students
3. Students
4. Students
5. Both

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