Thursday 7 February 2013

First Proof (Feedback)


Using IT appropriately: LEVEL 3 (36 - 47)
Understanding of conventions of layout/page design: LEVEL 3 (36 - 47)
Awareness of need for variety in fonts and text : LEVEL 3 (36 - 47)
Accurate use of language/register: LEVEL 4 (48 - 60)
Appropriate integration illustration/text: LEVEL 3 (36 - 47)
Framing shots: LEVEL 1 (0 - 23)
Variety of shot distances as appropriate: LEVEL 3 (36 - 47)
Shooting appropriate material: LEVEL 4 (48 - 60)
Selecting mise-en-scene (colour, figure, lighting, objects and settings): LEVEL 2 (24 - 35)
Manipulation photographs (within text, IT programmes, cropping, resizing): LEVEL 2 (24 - 35)

The best aspect of your work is...

The use of language in the double page spread is good.
Sooting the appropriate material is good.

Something that you need to improve on is...

Framing my shots.
Considering mise-en-scene.

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