Wednesday 19 December 2012

Contents Page Draft and Explanation

This is the draft for my Contents page. It has the 'Pick' logo in the corner to make it consistant and professional. The layout is very simple and basic so it's easier to read and find what you want to find. I have done this because when i look at a contents page, i don't look at it in detail, i look through the articles and go to what page it says it is on. The image will be a close up 1 male so the magazine is diverse in music as it isn't all bands. There is a music critics column at the bottom to say what is new and good, and what isn't very good. This is helpful for the reader to find new and good music and a magazine should offer as much music as possible.

DPS Draft and Explanation

This is a draft of my double page spread. It isn't very detailed as i'm not sure what i'm going to write in my article yet. But the big image will be in the same venue and costume as the main image, but with a less erious pose showing that they're laughing and having fun. The image on the page of the article will be of one of the members of the band playing their instrument, and there will be another small image of the all of the band together above the big image and it will be of them all playing their instruments as if the photographer has been there when they were recording. I have chose to use this layout as it is something you would find in most magazines so it looks professional.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Front Cover Draft and Explanation

I'm sorry the quality is very bad but i don't have a phone at the minute so i had to take the picture with my laptop, but hopefully you can see the layout pretty clearly. There's little things there you might not be able to see, the lines between the cover lines is to seperate the cover lines but it has the effect of paper being torn so it gives off a different and rebellious attitude. I've decide to scrap the idea of it being by the forest on the main image because it's not something that you would see often on a magazine so it won't look realistic. The masthead is 'PICK' for reasons explained in my blog, and it's inside the shape of a plectrum so it relates to the title and guitar music which my audience will enjoy. The main image will be a picture of a 3 person band with the lead singer in front and the other two equally behind, i would like to have some sort of outside background, maybe in a forest but not so you can see the background but hopefully i will find a white wall to have it against to make it more professional as that is used in a lot of music magazines. Above the main image, i will hopefully have a small image of the drummer from the band recording in mid drumming as if he is rehearsing so the front cover looks professional and gives it more credibility.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Magazine Front Cover Planning Process

I have started to look closer into the planning of magazine front covers now and tried to look deeper into how a cover star is presented. The cover star in this edition of Q magazine is Morrissey and is a very familiar artist. I think that the white background is used so that we maintain our focus on Morrissey as there is nothing else to look at. Also, i think that he is wearing a white shirt so it blends in with the background and we are still maintaining all focus on Morrissey's face. It will be harder for me to think about these things and take them into consideration when i do my magazine front cover because i am having more than 1 cover star and it is being taken outside but i am starting to look deeper into magazines and how they are being planned.

Magazine Font Research

I have looked into what font i'm going to use in my magazine. It is the font that is used for the new yourk rangers american football team and it also looks very similar to the font that is used in Q magazine. I like this font because it is basic and easy to read, but it also is recognisable because it is used often.

This is another font i am considering using in my magazine, it is called 'Big Noodle Titling'. I like this font because it is simple and easy to read. However, the top font has a distinct edge to the font whereas this font doesn't have a edge to it, it is very basic and perhaps it is too basic.

Another font i am considering is this one called 'Octin Sports'. This colour seems alot lighter and the text is thinner but i like the effect it has with the little line over the letters and on the edge of the letters. It could be too thin but i would perhaps make it bolder if i were to use it in my magazine

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Images Research


The top picture is a picture of Cofton park in Birmingham and the bottom picture is of Lickey Hills in Birmingham. These are the two places i am thinking about taking my images for the magazine at. Cofton park is good because of all the greenland and that you can see for miles benhind and it would be good to take a picture of the band and have that behind to make them look so far away and so different because it will come across that the band are unique and so different to everybody else. However, i'm really considering Lickey Hills because i like the fact that it's at the bottom of the trees where little light gets through so it's dark. I like this idea because i would like to give an impression that the band are by the bottom of the trees because the bottom of the trees are as close as they can get to where the trees began and as the band are young i want to imply to the readers that the band are at the early stages of their music career and potential and they are ready to burst into something much bigger.

Contents Page Research

I would like to take this sort of approach into my contents page. In some aspects the main image is something that i would want to use because they are shown in some sort of greenery and the fact that it looks as though it's in some hills where nobody goes and nobody else is there, reveals that they are away from everyone else and different to everyone else, this is something that i would want to take into my magazine. I also like the fact that the layout is so clear and organised. The house colours are used and there are different headlines such as 'FEATURES' and 'REVIEW' help the reader to know where everything is and know what section to look under when they want to find something. I want my reader to have a good and interesting image to look at in the contents page but i want the content to be simple, clear and easy to find because my audience are going to look at the picture to see what it is, and then use the content to simply try and find what they want to see.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Contents Page Analysis

This is a Vibes contents page and this is an example of what i wouldn't want to include in my contents page. This girl is wearing barely any girls. This suggests that it is more about the image than the actual music itself. Also, it is very basic and the lack of colour and text make it look very boring and dull. The clothes she is wearing will not be included in my magazine because i am aiming it at a very different target audience than 'vibe' magazine are aiming at. I wouldn't have a female solo singer featured in my magazine because my target audience wouldn't enjoy that style of music.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Front Cover Planning

This picture is not how i want to come across on my front cover, but there is certain aspects of this image that i might bring into my front cover. Although i don't like his stance and the way that it's so obvious he is posing, i like the way that he has the guitar between his legs to show that him and the guitar are almost inseparable which expresses how much he loves playing and writing his music. Although i don't like his clothes and that's something i won't use, i like the background of the image which is obviously where the picture was taken. As i have previously stated, i want my front cover image to be taken somewhere with trees and grass to make it look as though they are in the woods. I do like the woodland scenery, but i would like it to be darker and the ground to be brown with leaves. Also, instead of the plank of wood that he is sitting on, i would like my band to be either sitting on a park bench, sitting on the floor, or standing up by some trees.

Monday 3 December 2012

Front Cover Planning

This is a picture of an old fashioned style diadora t shirt. This type of diadora shirt is not made anymore and that's why it is considered as retro. I will wear this because i have said that i want the band to come across as unique, and this makes the band look unique and individual because not alot of people wear this top anymore. Also, this shirt is a size medium and i am a size small. I am deliberately going to wear this too big because again, it makes the band look individual, and also it draws the readers eyes straight to the band members. This is just one possibility and i will update later on another top that i might wear in the picture for the front cover.