Tuesday 18 December 2012

Front Cover Draft and Explanation

I'm sorry the quality is very bad but i don't have a phone at the minute so i had to take the picture with my laptop, but hopefully you can see the layout pretty clearly. There's little things there you might not be able to see, the lines between the cover lines is to seperate the cover lines but it has the effect of paper being torn so it gives off a different and rebellious attitude. I've decide to scrap the idea of it being by the forest on the main image because it's not something that you would see often on a magazine so it won't look realistic. The masthead is 'PICK' for reasons explained in my blog, and it's inside the shape of a plectrum so it relates to the title and guitar music which my audience will enjoy. The main image will be a picture of a 3 person band with the lead singer in front and the other two equally behind, i would like to have some sort of outside background, maybe in a forest but not so you can see the background but hopefully i will find a white wall to have it against to make it more professional as that is used in a lot of music magazines. Above the main image, i will hopefully have a small image of the drummer from the band recording in mid drumming as if he is rehearsing so the front cover looks professional and gives it more credibility.

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