Wednesday 28 November 2012

Double Page Spread Research

For my double page spread, i am going to have one side of the page as the picture of the band and the other side of the page will be the article on the band, layed out similarly to what you see in the picture on the left. However, i will have less text because younger people are my target audience and the amount of text in that picture will not attract them to read the whole article. Also,  like the little image of the lead singer at the bottom in the text, it's effective as it draws your eye closer to the article and this is a device i might use in my double page spread.

The image i've been thinking about for my double page spread is something like the two images underneath. I like the idea of a band having a picture in the woods/forest/wilderness because it makes a band look individually and certainly unique as apposed to having a picture in a studio or on the streets. I personally think it makes a band look more outrageous and 'out there' which reflects onto their music, making it look unique which is the effect i want it to have on the reader. I have chosen these two pictures because i would like to base the image i want for my double page spread on these two images. I like the way the woods are in the background in the image with the dog. On the other hand, i love the way bombay bicycle club have used the instruments in the woods making themselves look very different and real at the same time. I also love the idea of the park bench being in the background on the image with bbc and this is something i will definately try and include in my image.

At the moment, it is likely that i will travel up to cofton park and take the picture for my double page spread there in the woods part of it, with the road in the background. I have chosen to do this because it brings the individualism and realism of the band together which will ultimately make the reader like them.

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