Wednesday 21 November 2012

Publication Plan (Draft)

This is a draft of my Publication Plan. It shows what i have decided to include


Your Magazine:

I didn't include one in my practise magazine front cover but I know now that I need to include a Selling line. I might use 'UK's top Indie mag'. It will be a monthly magazine and I will charge £4.00 for my magazine.


My magazine will include interviews from some well known Rock/Indie Bands. It will also include upcoming festival information such as Glastonbury and Reading. I might also have a section for young and upcoming bands so people will buy it to see what new music is coming on to the scene.


My magazine will be aimed at males and females aged 14-30. It will be aimed at people who like Rock/Indie music and people who are interested in music festivals.

Regular Content:

I had an idea to feature a different band each month that are on tour and the same questions will be asked to each band. These questions will be like: What is the craziest thing that has happened on tour? Which one of the band members is the worst to live and travel with? What are your plans for the future? This way the readers will get to know their favourite bands more so they would be more likely to buy it as they get to know more about popular bands each month.

House Style:

I will keep the same house style throughout the magazine so the magazine looks professional but recognisable at the same time. I don't know my particular style yet but I know i will keep the same font style, size of the font and colour of the magazine throughout the magazine.

Contents Page:

My contents page will feature a different picture of the cover stars (maybe a picture of them playing live) to emphasize that they are the main selling point of the magazine.

Double Page Spread:

One half of the double page spread will be an image of a different band, perhaps doing funny poses or laughing together to make the reader want to read the article on the other side of the double page to see what they found so funny or why they're so happy.

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