Wednesday 7 November 2012

Music Magazines' Different Genres and their Target Audiences'

This is the front cover to a 'kerrang' magazine, a well known rock music magazine. The cover star is the lead singer of Green day, a famous punk/rock band. This magazine is clearly aimed at teenagers who are interested in rock music. We can see this as the cover star is dressed very 'rebelliously' with his shirt undone quite far down and his tie far down as well. We see his hair extremely messy which again promotes this rebellious attitude he is giving us, this would not be appropriate to most adults as they would not dress like this or find this look very enticing. Also, it has 'WTF?!' as a cover line. This is promoting the idea that it is aimed at teenagers as this is the type of slang that would be used on social networking websites, which is predominantly filled with younger people. Moreover, the smashed glassed affect on the masthead further promotes this idea of representing a look which would appeal to teenagers as the type of audience this magazine is aimed would be people who want to be different from everybody else and dress different also. The effect of the masthead makes it look like it has major imperfections. This links to the cover star as his hair is scruffy and his buttons are undone and his tie is down his chest. The title of the magazine links to the music genre of the magazine as 'kerrang' would be the sound a guitar makes when you strum it, and the genre of the magazine would involve electric guitars, this helps to create a target audience by cleverly hinting that is aimed at that specific sort of music in the title.

This is the front cover to a 'classical music' magazine. The way the cover star is dressed clearly creates a target audience straight away just by looking at the magazine. He is dressed very formally, in a suit with his hair put back neatly and his posture (sitting with his legs crossed) creates a very sophisticated look and is purposely there to target at a sophisticated audience. It is most likely aimed at an upper class and adults as that sort of people are more likely to wear that sort of clothing as oppose to teenagers and lower classes. The way the 'C' in classical is presented makes it look as though it is handwritten. This helps to aim the magazine at a more sophisticated and older audience because makes it seem more traditional.

I have shown the classical music magazine because it's not what i want to do in mine. I don't want to have the man or men in my magazine dressed formally. On the other hand, i have included the kerrang magazine cover because i would like to go for that messy and untidy effect. I like the fact that it's not bright and colourful but it's not dark at the same time so it gives off an edgy atmosphere and it looks raw and rebellios and would be aimed at younger people, which is what my target audience will be in my magazine.

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