Tuesday 13 November 2012

Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread Analysis

 This is 'vibe' magazine. A modern magazine aimed at the youth who listen to rap music and rnb music. This magazine is clearly aiming at the specific target audience as the cover star would be well know by the target audience. Also the target audience would be associated with the 'snapback' cap that chris brown is wearing and the youth are also associated with chains and and 'bling'. His posture shows an attitude and this helps to appeal to the target audience as teenagers are often associated with being rebellious and having attitude problems and being and looking very miserable, which is how the cover star looks. The phrase 'fell of' found in one of the cover lines is a slang term for dying out. This shows that it's targeting a specific audience through language, and they're using this technique to engage the reader and o the reader can relate to the magazine. The contents page is mainly filled with a picture of a fairly young person, again with a cap and chains, this re inforces the image they're looking to create. Also the tattoos' also suggests a rebellious attitude as this is aimed at younger people and when you are younger, getting a tattoo is either frowned upon or illegal. In comparison to the 'classical fm' magaizine, you would find a man with a suit on and tidy hair, this you see him with no shirt on and a cap on. This shows how the look, outfit and posture differentiates music genre and target audiences'. Although the double page spread contains alot of text, it shows an image of a young girl with a short dress and big hair. This would attract the audience as the girl in the image is good looking and is showing off her legs and teenage boys would have alot of interest in that. Moreover, the images of her in the background suggests that she is dancing and having a good time, this would link to the target audience as it reflects the teenage social life of going to parties and dressing up for them (mainly girls) and also going to night clubs, where you dance and have a good time

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