Wednesday 21 November 2012

Target Audience Questionnaire

I created a questionnaire to try and target a specific audience. I asked 20 people 5 questions so that I can take it into consideration and sell more copies of my magazine. Here is what I did.

1. What is your favourite style of music?

a) Rock/Indie
b) RnB
c) Rap/Grime
d) Pop/Hip Hop
e) Other

7 people said Rock/Indie, 5 people said Pop/Hip Hop, 5 people said RnB, 1 person said Rap/Grime and 2 people said Other. This is good for me as Rock/Indie is my favourite music as well so i know what to include. I also buy Rock/Indie magazines occasionally so it will be easier to know how to lay it out and what sorts of bands to include. This has helped me to target the audience as i know to use the most popular music genre which is Rock/Indie.

2. How often do you buy music magazines?

a) Never
b) Once a week
c) Once a fortnight
d) Once a month
e) Once a year

8 people said Once a month, 4 people said Once a fortnight, 3 people said Once a year, 3 people said Once a week, 2 people said Never. This has helped to target my audience and make it as popular and credible as popular because I now know that most people buy magazines monthly so I will make my magazine a weekly magazine.

3. How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?

a) £0 - £0.99
b) £1.00 - £2.49
c) £2.50 - £4.99
d) £5.00 - £7.49
e) £7.50 +

9 people said £2.50 - £4.99, 6 people said £1.00 - £2.49, 4 people said £5.00 - £7.49, 1 person said £0.00 - £0.99, 0 people said £7.50. This has really helped me to choose what price tag to put on my magazine because with this information I know what the most popular amount to pay for a magazine is. I will charge people £3.99 for my magazine because that was pretty much half way through the most popular choice in this question.

4. What makes you want to buy a magazine?

a) Cover star/Cover stars
b) Music genre of magazine
c) Cover lines/featured articles
d) Colour
e) Other

10 people said Music genre, 6 people said Cover star/Cover Stars, 2 people said Colour, 2 people said Cover lines/featured articles, 0 people said Other. This was a question that I deliberately used because i wanted to see what was more important, either Music Genre or Cover Star/Cover stars. Even though these two will come together to target a specific audience, the language that would be used by 'Rockers' and 'Indie' people can be used and a slightly less 'Rocky' cover star could be used to target a wider range of audiences' and this is a device I might use.

5. What colours would you like to see in a magazine?

a) Black
b) Red
c) Green
d) White
e) Other

9 people said Red, 6 people said white, 3 people said green, 0 people said Black and 2 people said other. I think the most popular choice was red because that is the colour that is most frequently used in Rock/Indie magazines which was the most popular genre in this questionnaire. I think 6 people said white because the white background would make you focus more on the cover star/cover stars and emphasize their importance and popularity. I am undecided between Red and White so I might try and mix the two together, this has been helpful to pick the colour of my magazine and the colour is very important because it is an important feature of a front cover which is what people will look at when deciding to buy the magazine.

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